Downtime, review fixes, etc. - January 22nd:
Over this past month, I've taken a little pause from reviews—concentrated on needed site maintenance—and plainly taken a rest; I've been working non-stop on the site for almost a year. That break ends today, as starting with the Star Wars the Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duel review today, I'm back to my regular review schedule in February (on a side note, the Updates page now has an "Archive" button that links to the full list of my 2008 reviews).

Also, if you've seen the header "More complete review coming soon" or something like it on the upper part of some of my older reviews, it means I will eventually redo, add or retool that review. This is because not only was I was still learning on how to make the site, but I was still simply learning how to review. So, now that I've got a decent handle on my writing style and a basic pattern for review structures, I will slowly be replacing the older and more scant reviews with fuller more complete versions.

I have also pre-ordered my copy of the much anticipated Killzone 2 for the PS3 (which comes out February, 28th), and I should have that out by early March—I'll do another update when it's closer to release. Lastly, my site turns a year old around Feb. 18-19 (at least that was the date I actually started creating it), so around then, I'll try to do a little retrospective article, with comparison pics, etc.

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